Public Class clsCheckId身份证严格验证(VB.NET源码)
Public dateId18 As Date
Public dateId15 As Date
Public errMessage As String
Public blnSex As Boolean
Public Function ChechPersonID(ByVal strIdNo As String, ByVal blnIDlength As Boolean, ByVal blnWhichOccur As Boolean) As Boolean
'blnIDlength 为TRUE 是 为检测18身份证 否则 检测15位身份证 blnWhichOccur 为TRUE时 在change事件中发生 否则 在 leave事件中发生
Select Case blnWhichOccur 'change事件中
Case True 'change事件中发生
If blnIDlength = True Then '18
If strIdNo.Trim.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
strIdNo = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strIdNo, 17) '检测格式 是否含有不规范字符
If Not IsNumeric(strIdNo) Then
errMessage = "输入格式不正确"
Exit Function
Return False
Return True
End If
End If
If blnIDlength = False Then ' 15位
If strIdNo.Trim.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
'strIdNo = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strIdNo, 15)
If Not IsNumeric(strIdNo) Then '输入位数和格式
errMessage = "输入格式不正确"
Exit Function
Return False
Return True
End If
End If
Case False 'leave 事件
Dim intSex As Integer 'sex
If blnIDlength = True Then
intSex = CInt(Mid(strIdNo, strIdNo.Length - 1, 1))
If intSex = 1 Or intSex = 3 Or intSex = 5 Or intSex = 7 Or intSex = 9 Then
blnSex = True
blnSex = False
End If
If strIdNo.Length <> 18 Then
errMessage = "身份证位数不正确"
Exit Function
Return False
Dim strYear As String = Mid(strIdNo, 7, 4)
Dim strMonth As String = Mid(strIdNo, 11, 2)
Dim strDay As String = Mid(strIdNo, 13, 2)
Dim isRunNian As Integer = (strYear Mod 4)
If CInt(strYear) > 1901 And CInt(strYear) < 2050 And CInt(strMonth) <= 12 And CInt(strMonth) > 0 And CInt(strDay) > 0 Then
Select Case isRunNian
Case 0
If strMonth = 1 Or strMonth = 3 Or strMonth = 5 Or strMonth = 7 Or strMonth = 8 Or strMonth = 10 Or strMonth = 12 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 31 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 4 Or strMonth = 6 Or strMonth = 9 Or strMonth = 11 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 30 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
Else : strMonth = 2 '闰年29
If strDay > 29 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
End If
Case Else
If strMonth = 1 Or strMonth = 3 Or strMonth = 5 Or strMonth = 7 Or strMonth = 8 Or strMonth = 10 Or strMonth = 12 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 31 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 4 Or strMonth = 6 Or strMonth = 9 Or strMonth = 11 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 30 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
Else : strMonth = 2 '闰年29
If strDay > 28 Then身份证严格验证(VB.NET源码)
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
End If
End Select
Else '不在正确年里面
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
End If
End If
ElseIf blnIDlength = False Then '15位身份证
intSex = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(strIdNo, 1)
If intSex = 1 Or intSex = 3 Or intSex = 5 Or intSex = 7 Or intSex = 9 Then
blnSex = True
blnSex = False
End If
If strIdNo.Length <> 15 Then
errMessage = "身份证位数不正确"
Exit Function
Return False
Dim strYear As String = Mid(strIdNo, 7, 2)
Dim strYear2 As String = "19" + strYear
Dim strMonth As String = Mid(strIdNo, 9, 2)
Dim strDay As String = Mid(strIdNo, 11, 2)
Dim isRunNian As Integer = (CInt(strYear) Mod 4)
If strYear2 > 1901 And strYear2 < 1999 And CInt(strMonth) <= 12 And CInt(strMonth) > 0 And CInt(strDay) > 0 Then
Select Case isRunNian
Case 0
If strMonth = 1 Or strMonth = 3 Or strMonth = 5 Or strMonth = 7 Or strMonth = 8 Or strMonth = 10 Or strMonth = 12 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 31 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 4 Or strMonth = 6 Or strMonth = 9 Or strMonth = 11 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 30 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
If strDay > 29 Then '闰年29
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
End If
Case Else
If strMonth = 1 Or strMonth = 3 Or strMonth = 5 Or strMonth = 7 Or strMonth = 8 Or strMonth = 10 Or strMonth = 12 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 31 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 4 Or strMonth = 6 Or strMonth = 9 Or strMonth = 11 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 30 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 2 Then
If strDay > 28 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
End If
End Select
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End Function
End Class身份证严格验证(VB.NET源码)
Public dateId18 As Date
Public dateId15 As Date
Public errMessage As String
Public blnSex As Boolean
Public Function ChechPersonID(ByVal strIdNo As String, ByVal blnIDlength As Boolean, ByVal blnWhichOccur As Boolean) As Boolean
'blnIDlength 为TRUE 是 为检测18身份证 否则 检测15位身份证 blnWhichOccur 为TRUE时 在change事件中发生 否则 在 leave事件中发生
Select Case blnWhichOccur 'change事件中
Case True 'change事件中发生
If blnIDlength = True Then '18
If strIdNo.Trim.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
strIdNo = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strIdNo, 17) '检测格式 是否含有不规范字符
If Not IsNumeric(strIdNo) Then
errMessage = "输入格式不正确"
Exit Function
Return False
Return True
End If
End If
If blnIDlength = False Then ' 15位
If strIdNo.Trim.Length = 0 Then Exit Function
'strIdNo = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Left(strIdNo, 15)
If Not IsNumeric(strIdNo) Then '输入位数和格式
errMessage = "输入格式不正确"
Exit Function
Return False
Return True
End If
End If
Case False 'leave 事件
Dim intSex As Integer 'sex
If blnIDlength = True Then
intSex = CInt(Mid(strIdNo, strIdNo.Length - 1, 1))
If intSex = 1 Or intSex = 3 Or intSex = 5 Or intSex = 7 Or intSex = 9 Then
blnSex = True
blnSex = False
End If
If strIdNo.Length <> 18 Then
errMessage = "身份证位数不正确"
Exit Function
Return False
Dim strYear As String = Mid(strIdNo, 7, 4)
Dim strMonth As String = Mid(strIdNo, 11, 2)
Dim strDay As String = Mid(strIdNo, 13, 2)
Dim isRunNian As Integer = (strYear Mod 4)
If CInt(strYear) > 1901 And CInt(strYear) < 2050 And CInt(strMonth) <= 12 And CInt(strMonth) > 0 And CInt(strDay) > 0 Then
Select Case isRunNian
Case 0
If strMonth = 1 Or strMonth = 3 Or strMonth = 5 Or strMonth = 7 Or strMonth = 8 Or strMonth = 10 Or strMonth = 12 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 31 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 4 Or strMonth = 6 Or strMonth = 9 Or strMonth = 11 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 30 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
Else : strMonth = 2 '闰年29
If strDay > 29 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
End If
Case Else
If strMonth = 1 Or strMonth = 3 Or strMonth = 5 Or strMonth = 7 Or strMonth = 8 Or strMonth = 10 Or strMonth = 12 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 31 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 4 Or strMonth = 6 Or strMonth = 9 Or strMonth = 11 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 30 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
Else : strMonth = 2 '闰年29
If strDay > 28 Then身份证严格验证(VB.NET源码)
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId18 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + strYear))
Return True
End If
End If
End Select
Else '不在正确年里面
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
End If
End If
ElseIf blnIDlength = False Then '15位身份证
intSex = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Right(strIdNo, 1)
If intSex = 1 Or intSex = 3 Or intSex = 5 Or intSex = 7 Or intSex = 9 Then
blnSex = True
blnSex = False
End If
If strIdNo.Length <> 15 Then
errMessage = "身份证位数不正确"
Exit Function
Return False
Dim strYear As String = Mid(strIdNo, 7, 2)
Dim strYear2 As String = "19" + strYear
Dim strMonth As String = Mid(strIdNo, 9, 2)
Dim strDay As String = Mid(strIdNo, 11, 2)
Dim isRunNian As Integer = (CInt(strYear) Mod 4)
If strYear2 > 1901 And strYear2 < 1999 And CInt(strMonth) <= 12 And CInt(strMonth) > 0 And CInt(strDay) > 0 Then
Select Case isRunNian
Case 0
If strMonth = 1 Or strMonth = 3 Or strMonth = 5 Or strMonth = 7 Or strMonth = 8 Or strMonth = 10 Or strMonth = 12 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 31 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 4 Or strMonth = 6 Or strMonth = 9 Or strMonth = 11 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 30 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
If strDay > 29 Then '闰年29
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
End If
Case Else
If strMonth = 1 Or strMonth = 3 Or strMonth = 5 Or strMonth = 7 Or strMonth = 8 Or strMonth = 10 Or strMonth = 12 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 31 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 4 Or strMonth = 6 Or strMonth = 9 Or strMonth = 11 Then '全部是错误的!!!!
If strDay > 30 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
ElseIf strMonth = 2 Then
If strDay > 28 Then
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
Return False
dateId15 = DateTime.Parse(System.String.Concat(strMonth + "," + strDay + "," + "19" + strYear))
Return True
End If
End If
End Select
errMessage = "身份证日期错误"
End If
End If
End If
End Select
End Function
End Class身份证严格验证(VB.NET源码)